Clibanarius corallinus is found on beach rock and in rock pools in inter-tidal zone of rocky shore on Heron Island (Image 1). It is found in clumps in low tide with another species in the same Genus Clibanarius virescens (Image 2). Clibanarius corallinus inhabits in a large variety of shells (Image 3) which can be found on the rocky shore where Clibanarius corallinus is found or in shells that are being washed up by the waves (Table 1). Despite Clibanarius corallinus was first described by H. Milne Edwards in 1848, very little work has been done on investigating its ecology.

Image 1: Habitat of Clibanarius corallinus: rock pools and beach rocks in inter-tidal zone on Heron Island

Image 2: Clibanarius virescens: always found in clumps with Clibanarius corallinus

Image 3: Variety of shells inhabited by Clibanarius corallinus
Table 1: Photos and taxonomy of shells inhabited by Clibanarius corallinus found on Heron Island
