Physical Description
Life History & Behaviour
Anatomy & Physiology
Evolution & Systematics
Biogeographic Distribution
Conservation & Threats
References & Links |
Caphyra rotundifrons is dependent on the algae Chlorodesmis fastigiata.
What does it look like? This crab is less than 2cm in size and is lime green in colour, similar to that of turtle-weed, Chlorodesmis fastigiata.
Where does it live? Caphyra rotundifrons is found only in Chlorodesmis fastigiata. This is found on coral reef flats around the world, such as Australia and Madagascar.
What does it eat? C. rotundifrons only eats Chlorodesmis fastigiata.
How does it move? This crab lacks the adaptations that most of the rest of its family, the swimming crabs, has. Instead it has a claw at the end of its leg to grip algae.
What threats does it face? The current threat status of C. rotundifrons and C. fastigiata is unknown, as it has not been evaluated by the IUCN.
