Does Size Matter? Epifaunal Host Preference in the Biofouling Ascidian, Styela plicata
Jacob Bowtell 2015
Abstract | |
Biofouling ascidians such as Styela plicata pose a risk to the economy and the environment. Understanding their biology and ecology, is important for predicting and assisting management strategies to reduce their impact. This study tested whether ascidian size difference influenced the amount of epifauna that settled on it. Thirty ascidians (Styela plicata) were collected from Manly Boat Habour, Queensland, Australia. They were provided by teaching staff at the University of Queensland, St Lucia. Their volumes were calculated and they were weighed and measured. It was predicted that the higher the density and surface area, the more epifauna would be present. Data showed both density and surface area had strong significant effects on the number of organisms. It was shown that high density and surface area led to high epifaunal presence.
Biofouling, Ascidian, Styela plicata, Epifauna, Organism, Density, Surface Area, Volume
Introduction | |
Styela plicata (Lesueur, 1823) (pleated sea squirt) is a solitary
ascidian, found inhabiting marinas and harbors in oceans around the world (Pineda et al., 2011). These ascidians are
prominent components in epibenthic marine communities and are a major source of
biofouling (Thiyagarajan & Qian, 2003).
The importance of ascidians is well recognized in the study of marine
introductions (Lambert & Lambert, 2003; Lambert, 2007). They represent one
of the most common marine invaders in the world, largely due to transport via
anthropogenic vectors (Lambert, 2007). Despite this, little is known about
their biology, due to being of little economic value (Bullard & Carman,
2009). Studies such as this are therefore important to not only the scientific
community, but to environmental management. It will assist those needing to
make decisions towards limiting ascidian impact on the economy and environment.
introductions have increased over the century, threatening global biodiversity
and altering many ecological communities (Pineda et al., 2011). A major
increase in aquaculture facilities has provided new surfaces (oyster shells,
ship hulls) for colonization (Lambert, 2007). This biofouling represents a
significant loss to the economy in the form of prevention/control and poses a
risk to biodiversity (Adams et al., 2011). Approximately 15% of total annual
costs of shellfish aquaculture is used on the removal of biofouling organisms
(Rosa et al., 2011). To reduce these costs and risks to the environment,
further research needs to be undertaken.
previous studies have been carried out, causation for successful invasions of Styela plicata is not well understood. Pineda
et al., 2011 carried out an experiment to determine if genetic diversity played
a role on ascidian establishment in a new area. The study found that geographic
distributions of the ascidian did not show any consistent pattern. Bullard
& Carman, 2009, could only correlate their invasiveness to their competitiveness
and environmental tolerance. The aim of this study is to determine if size
difference of Styela plicata has any
implication to the contributed biofouling caused by epifauna. This will be done
by distinguishing surface area and density differences whilst counting the
epifauna present on each ascidian. It is predicted that the larger surface areas
and densities, the more epifauna present.
Materials and Methods | |
(Refer to Figure 1- Thirty
Styela plicata) A total of 30
individual ascidians (Styela plicata)
were provided by the teaching staff of BIOL3211, University of Queensland, St
Lucia. These were collected from Manly Boat Harbor in Queensland, Australia.
Data collection took approximately 8 hours over a course of two weeks. During
these weeks, ascidians were kept alive in a controlled aquarium on the
ascidian was placed underneath a dissection microscope in a container with sea
water (as seen in Figure 2- Counts using a Dissection Microscope). The outside
material was rubbed and peeled off the ascidian and mixed into the sea water.
Once the ascidian was stripped clean of any material, epifauna was counted.
After this was completed, the length and weights of each ascidian was taken (as
seen in Figure 3- Length Measurement & Figure 4- Weight Measurement).
Lastly, using a graduated cylinder, the volume of each ascidian was obtained by
noting its displacement within the water (as shown by Figure 5- Volume: Graduated
Data analysis
Data analysis was
carried out using the free software program R, as well as Microsoft Excel.
Before determining a statistical model to be fitted, data was visualised using
scatter plots for surface area and density. Outliers were removed using the
1.5*IQR rule and visualising data, removal resulted in consistent variation.
Independence was fine considering each ascidian was only tested once and then
separated. Linearity was demonstrated by the line in both plots as well as
was shown by QQ normal plots; normality was achieved after the removal of
outliers. QQ plots were used instead of histograms, as they weren't useful for this
sample size (less than 100). These assumptions being satisfied meant linear
regression was utilised in the graphing. As the sample size was 15≤N≤40 and
standard deviations were different, a two sided t-test was used. Density was
calculated using D=Mass/Volume and surface area SA= 4πr2 assuming ascidian shape represents a
Surface Area (cm²)
Refer to Figure 6: Scatter
Plot, Number of Organisms vs. Surface Area (cm²). This scatter plot was used to
visualise the data, reasonably consistent variation is shown and line
represents linearity.(Refer to Figure 7:
Normal Q-Q Plot, Number of Organisms) The normality shown here is reasonably
linear, although there seems to be a slight combination of left and right
skewness. (Refer to Figure 8: Normal Q-Q Plot, Surface Area (cm²)) Normality
seems to be a lot better here, with no obvious skewness occurring.
Density (g/cm³)
to Figure 9: Scatter Plot, Density (g/cm³) vs. Number of Organisms. This
scatter plot was used to visualise the data, reasonably consistent variation is
shown and line represents linearity. Figure 10: Normal Q-Q Plot, Density (g/cm³), shows reasonably normality with no obvious
skewness present. Normality for the number of organisms is the same as seen in Figure 7: Normal Q-Q Plot, Number of
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
Figure 3 |
Figure 4 |
Figure 5 |
Figure 6 |
Figure 7 |
Figure 8 |
Figure 9 |
Figure 10 |
Results | |
A two sided t-test
showed that there was strong significant interaction between surface area and
number of organisms (P<0.05) (t = 10.989, df = 43, p-value = P<0.0001) (Surface
Area SD: +/- 1.48, Organism SD: +/- 4.14), (Figure 11). The higher the surface area
the higher the number of organisms recorded as shown by the linear line (Figure 11).
The Pearson Correlation Coefficient showed a strong relationship, with 83.92%
of the variability being explained by surface area (Figure 11)
A two-sided t-test
showed that there was strong significant interaction between density and number
of organisms (P<0.05) (t = 6.7048, df = 47, p-value = P<0.0001) (Density
SD: +/- 0.214, Organism SD: +/- 7.46), (Figure 12). The higher the density the
higher the number of organisms recorded as shown by the linear line (Figure 12).
The Pearson Correlation Coefficient showed a moderate relationship, with 53.54%
of the variability being explained by density (Figure 12).
Figure 11 |
Figure 12 |
Discussion | |
Biofouling caused by
ascidians can be devastating to the environment and the economy (Thiyagarajan & Qian, 2003). Economic costs
associated with preventing and removing the damage done by these biofoulers can
be enormous. Aquaculture companies can spend large amounts of money removing
biofouling organisms (Rosa et al., 2011). Their invasiveness can also put the
environment at risk, altering many community structures (Lambert, 2007). With
little success, many studies have struggled to find causation of ascidian
invasiveness. This highlights a major lack of biological and ecological
knowledge of these ascidians.
This study aimed to contribute to the scientific community by
helping further understand ascidian biology. It found that there was
significant interaction between both density and surface area in relation to
number of organisms present (P<0.05). After data was analysed a two-way
t-test was performed for density (t = 6.7048, df = 47,
p-value = P<0.0001) (Graph 7) and surface area (t = 10.989, df = 43, p-value
= P<0.0001) (Graph 7). This result supported the hypothesis that, more
organisms would be present on ascidians with higher densities and surface
The results were expected as high surface areas correlate
with more space for organisms to attach. It was noted that the sedentary tube
worms and encrusting bryozoans were the most dominant organisms attached to the
ascidians. This could be due to more surface area for species to live
commensally. High densities meant higher mass and volumes, both which can
result in higher surface areas. Higher volumes can also contribute to the
amount of organisms that live within the siphons of the ascidians. As ascidians
are filter feeders, the siphons provide space, food and protection from
predation, a perfect environment.
A significant limitation of this experiment was the number of
ascidians available. Although a reasonably good estimate, this sample size was
quite small. More samples could have helped reduce slight skewness, prevent
high numbers of outliers and solidify a stronger normality. The longer the
ascidians were kept in the aquarium, the risk for epifauna to die or move
through the filtration system. This was enhanced by the fact that data could
only be collected in a 5 hour slot, once a week. There may have also been microscopic
epifauna that was not observed with the use of a dissecting microscope. Given
the size of the experiment and time constraints, sifting through water samples
to find microscope epifauna did not seem feasible.
This experiment tested how ascidian size differences can
contribute to higher epifauna numbers and thus increased biofouling. The study
concluded that larger densities and surface areas had significant effects on
epifauna numbers. With this knowledge, it has contributed to the overall
understanding of ascidian biology. This will help support management decisions
in terms of prevention and control of not only biofouling ascidians, but
perhaps other biofouling species. To expand on knowledge attained from this
experiment, future studies should investigate whether epifauna follow ascidian
larvae and settle. Alternatively, if epifauna prefer an established ascidian to
settle on. Secondly, a study on the number of organisms inhabiting the internal
structure of ascidians would greatly contribute to this experiment.
Here is a YouTube video to give an idea of the distribution and biofouling impact
of Styela plicata
Cilsick, R. (March 5, 2013). Pleated Sea Squirt
[Video file]. Retrieved 27/5/2015 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8ARUKWPJAE
Acknowledgements | |
I'd like to thank the
BIOL3211 tutors and teaching staff for not only providing the specimens, but
providing guidance and assistance whenever it was needed.
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