Eurythoe laevisetis is a member of the polycheate class more commonly known as the fireworms. Fireworms can easily be identified by sight, if not touch, through the white bristles that are located on either side of their body. These white bristles are hollow, venom filled chaetae that flare up when the fireworm is disturbed. If touched, the chaetae will penetrate and break off in the skin resulting in an extreme burning sensation that has been the woe of many a diver (Arias et al. 2013).
Members of the fireworm family Amphinomidae,which Eurythoe laevisetis belongs to, have a worldwide distribution and are commonly found in the intertidal zone, underneath boulders and amongst rubble (Arias et al. 2013). Yet despite the prolific abundance of fireworms very little is known about the species native to the Heron Island reef. This webpage, using research completed on similar species, aims to delve a little deeper into the anatomy, behaviour and regenerative ability of Eurythoe laevisetis.

Figure 1: A close up of the bristles present on Eurythoe laevisetis (magnification x12).
Catherine Russo, University of Queensland St. Lucia, 2014 |