Sarcophyton ehrenbergi, also commonly knowns as the leather coral, is a soft coral from the order Alcyonacea, also classified as an octocoral because of the 8-fold symmetry tentacle (Mather & Bennett, 1984). They are globally distributed in areas with warmer climates (Fabricius & Alderslade, 2001). They are colonial and are depended on the polyps for elemental functions (Rao & Devi, 2003). They are able to obtain nutrients through their symbiosis with zooxanthellea as well as capture their own through suspension feeding (Fabricius & Klumpp, 1995). They are able to reproduce sexually and asexually with different modes asexually (Alino and Coll, 1989; Fabricius & Alderslade, 2001). Although they do no produce calcium carbonate bodies, they can sclerites which are skeletal elements that are calcareous, which give them structual support through out their stalk (Rao & Devi, 2003).