Reproduction and Spawning
Several recent experimental studies have assessed the behavioral reproductive ecology opisthobranch species belonging to the families Aglajidae, thus the family of Philinopsis Pilsbryi (Hurst 1967; Wilson
& Lee 2005). Two clearly distinct spawning types are present within the genus Philinopsis, with cylindrical
spawns embedded in the sand in the taronga species group and balloon-shaped spawns in the pilsbryi
species group (Rudman 1972).
It has been found that behavioral and morphological traits vary considerably between species, even between closely related taxa. Anthes & Michiels (2007) demonstrated that within the genus Philinopsis, all species belonging
to the pilsbryi species group, including Philinopsis Pilsbryi, produced
balloon-shaped egg masses (See Fig.) that were attached to the substrate with a fine mucous thread.
The capsules, which were arranged in clearly visible strands, often contained several eggs.
Figure: Egg mass of Philinopsis Pilsbryi (Scale bar, 0.5mm), from Anthes & Michiels (2007).