Brief Summary
Global Distribution
Physical Description
Identification Resources
Local Distribution, Habitats and Associations
Life History & Behaviour
Evolution & Systematics
Systematics or Phylogenetics
Morphology and Physiology
External Morphology
Internal Anatomy
Molecular Biology & Genetics
Nucleotide Sequences
Molecular Biology
Names & Taxonomy
Common Names
References | Local Distribution, Habitats and Associations
A.s. strenuus is found in tropical regions on coral reefs and islands in areas where clean sand and clear water present while A.s. cremnus is more commonly found in muddy estuaries (Banner & Banner, 1982). A.s. strenuus specimens were collected by Banner & Banner (1982) from under rocks and coral rubble in areas where sand is abundant from the low intertidal zone to reef crests. The species often resides in burrows or tubes often shared by fireworms (Eurythoe) and the brittle star Macrophiothrix longipeda (Banner & Banner, 1983).

Heron Island, Queensland, Australia is an ideal habitat for A.s. strenuus. |