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Planaxis sulcatus (Born, 1778)

Furrowed Clusterwink

Terence Tan (2011)


Fact Sheet


Brief Summary

Common Names

Comprehensive Description

Biogeographical Distribution

Physical Description and Morpholgy

Features of a Planaxid Shell


Shell Morphology

External Anatomy

Internal Anatomy


Evolution & Systematics

Fossil History



Local Distribution and Habitats

Micro-habitats and Associations

Life History & Behaviour

Larval Development

Reproductive Behaviour

Locomotion and Foraging Behaviour

Predator Avoidance and Escape Behaviour


Trends and Threats

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Brief Summary

The Furrowed Clusterwink (Planaxis sulcatus) is a  species of marine prosobranch gastropod, commonly found in the rocky intertidal environments throughout the Indo-Pacific region (Houbrick 1987). The conical shell, speckled with patterns of white spots on a greenish-brown background of P. sulcatus, can grow up to a length of 35 mm in adult individuals (Houbrick 1987). Female individuals are generally larger than the males (Ohgaki 1997). Most individuals are  hosts to a large number of trematode species and are usually very heavily infected by one or more species of trematodes (Rohde 1981).  

P. sulcatus are herbivorous, feeding primarily on microalgae growing on the substrates in the habiats that inhabit (Houbrick 1987). They are active crawling foragers, emerging from the rocks at the incoming tide to graze on microalgae (Houbrick 1987; Rohde 1981). During low tides, P. sulcatus withdraws into its shell behind the operculum and attaches itself to the substratum (Ruppert, Fox & Barnes 2004). Thus they can be often seen exposed on rocks, stones and boulders in aggregates or taking shelter in rock pools, crevices and under large rocks during low tides (Houbrick 1987; Rohde 1981).

P. sulcatus is a gonochoristic and oviviparous species of marine gastropods that that rears its embryos in large brood pouches on the female’s body (Houbrick 1987; Ohgaki 1997). Fertilisation is internal via copulation between a male-female pairs during summer (Ohgaki 1997). At present, threats threatening the survivability of the species Planaxis sulcatus have not yet been evaluated by the IUCN.

The Furrowed Clusterwink (Planaxis sulcatus, Born 1778)

