The Eastern King Prawn has a reasonable short life cycle and is relatively fecund (R select- refer to terms) The economic demand for the eastern king prawn is relatively high (Department of Industry and Investment 2010). Because of this management boundaries need to be put in place in order to reduce the chance of fishing the fishery out. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) is used in a number of fisheries, this method reduces the chance of hyper stability (Broadhurst et al 2004). hyper stability is essentially when a fish stock is being depleted but catches stay similar due to increased effort. Currently at this point in time the eastern king prawn fishers catches have remained relatively stable (Department of Industry and Investment 2010).
Figure 21: Commercial landings of Eastern King Prawn for NSW ,from 1978/79 to 2008/09; all fishing methods (Image from The Department of Industry and Investment NSW 2010)