The gonads
Cryptoplax larvaeformis is gonochoric (Ruppert et al 2004), meaning indervidual are either male or female, externally they are indistinguishable. During development Cryptoplax larvaeformis’s gonads are paired but soon merge to form one (Kaas & Van Belle 1893), located anterior to the heart. Gametes do not pass through the pericardial cavity or the nephridia, but are released directly into the water via the gonoducts and the gonopore, which are located in the exhalant chamber just above the nephridiopore (Ruppert et al 2004) (figure 1).
Fertilisation occurs externally and in the water column, there is no copulation. The males release sperm into the water column, and the females release their eggs in spinny capsuals that are usually attached forming strings (Ruppert et al 2004).
The larvae
The resulting larvae is refered to as a lecithotrophic (meaning free swimming) planktonic trochophore, and they have already developed ocelli (a simple eye used for photoreceptory purposes) , prototroch (circlet of cilia, for swimming purposes) , mantle, shell gland and a foot (Ruppert et al 2004). After a variable time frame the larvae metamorphose and settle as a young Cryptoplax larvaeformis (Kaas & Van Belle 1893).
